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How? and Why did it fail? and how do i fix it?
Kenneth Lloyd Boller
Posts: 34Member
Im hoping someone much more experience then myself can look at these pictures and tell me exactly what went wrong with these prints and how to fix it, first time ive had this problem and ive done some googling but its easier to post pics here then to describe it specifically enough for google to help me
tried to just reprint it but i aborted it when it started to look all messed up and melty again...
This is 1.75mm Hyperion PLA
using JGcreat slicer
on my JG Aurora A5S
Layer Height - .3mm
Wall Thickness - 1.2mm
Horizontal Expansion - -.275mm
Infill - 45%
Printing Temp - 210C
Build Plate Temp - 50C
Print Speed - 40mm/s
Travel Speed - 90mm/s
Support Touching Buildplate
and on the second attempt I used a 20 count Brim
Thanks in advance guys and gals i look forward to hearing from you.
tried to just reprint it but i aborted it when it started to look all messed up and melty again...
This is 1.75mm Hyperion PLA
using JGcreat slicer
on my JG Aurora A5S
Layer Height - .3mm
Wall Thickness - 1.2mm
Horizontal Expansion - -.275mm
Infill - 45%
Printing Temp - 210C
Build Plate Temp - 50C
Print Speed - 40mm/s
Travel Speed - 90mm/s
Support Touching Buildplate
and on the second attempt I used a 20 count Brim
Thanks in advance guys and gals i look forward to hearing from you.
However, this is not looking like a bed level problem - but completely messed up slicer settings
Its so bad, I can only suggest you download and use Cura V4.4x and set the profile to JGAurora A5s in Cura settings and see how it comes out
Left is JGCreat
Right is Cura
unloaded the green wiped the bed down with alcohol and re-mesh leveled the bed and corners with bed and nozzle heated up this time and loaded in my new roll of Zyltech 1.75mm White PLA and im printing calibration pieces now, so far they look good...just a bad spot in that green filament maybe? idk i dont understand it, cant wait until i have some more experience under my belt and can troubleshoot this stuff better.
Infill looks gnarly but the walls dont look too bad, so far.
Looks like over-extrusion. I second Samuel's suggestion about the extruder steps per mm.
Here's how to calibrate:
Heat the nozzle and mark a spot on the filament 120mm from the extruder.
Send these commands in pronterface:
G28 ;Home X, Y, Z and E axis
G0 X150 Y150 Z100 F6000;Move to center of bed up in the air
G1 E100 F120 ;Feed 100mm of filament at 2mm/s
M104 S0 ;Turn off hotend
Now measure how much filament you have left.
((120 - Remaining filament)/100)* (E steps per mm) = Calculated new E-steps
To find your E steps, type M92 in pronterface. It should tell you how many steps per mm each axis has.
Then type M92 E(Caclulated new E-steps)
Alternate way:
Disconnect the bowden tube
Put the filament into the extruder and cut it flush with the output connector
Send these commands in pronterface:
M302 P0 ;allow cold extrusion
G28 ;Home X, Y, Z and E axis
G0 X150 Y150 Z100 F6000;Move to center of bed up in the air
G1 E20 F120 ;Feed 20mm of filament at 2mm/s
M302 P1 ;require hot end to be at temp to extrude
Now cut off the filament and maybe extrude more fialment by typing
M83 ;relative extrusion mode
M302 P0
G1 E20 F120
Type the last line 2 or 3 times
Get yourself 2-3 pieces and measure with calipers.
(averaged measured amount/20)*Current E-steps = Calculated E-steps
M92 E(Calcualted E-steps)
Have you set Cura to A5s profile that is built in and selectable?
and yes Stephen both Cura and JGcreat are both set up as the A5S printer settings, i try to use default preset profiles as much as i can and not change temp or speed too much because thats where i seem to have the best luck as far as bed adhesion and overall successful printing
ran a 12 hour print overnight and while i was at work and it doesnt look great...but also not terrible...has some good spots and bad spots, the inside looks to be the worst of it but thats the part no one will ever see so im not too worried about it and the bad spots on the outside can always be sanded down and cleaned up later so idk i guess ill just keep printing and hope the issue fixes itself?... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
If this had happened to me, I'd be trying a different filament in an effort to remove that from the list of possibilities, as well as trying a slicer other than Cura
did you see my suggestion about layer height?
and yes Stephen both Cura and JGcreat are both set up as the A5S printer settings, i try to use default preset profiles as much as i can and not change temp or speed too much because thats where i seem to have the best luck as far as bed adhesion and overall successful printing.
thank you all so much for your responses much appreciated indeed.
and yes Stephen both Cura and JGcreat are both set up as the A5S printer settings, i try to use default preset profiles as much as i can and not change temp or speed too much because thats where i seem to have the best luck as far as bed adhesion and overall successful printing
and yes Stephen both Cura and JGcreat are both set up as the A5S printer settings, i try to use default preset profiles as much as i can and not change temp or speed too much because thats where i seem to have the best luck as far as bed adhesion and overall successful printing
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