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Safety Issues?
I'm a new owner of a JGaurora A5. First of all, thank you all for the great community and the great firmwares your're providing.
So far I'm quite happy with the printer.
I just recently read, that a house was burned down due to a 3D printer.. now I'm concerned about the safety features, that the JGaurora A5 has. Is there any overtemperature safety?
What do you guys do? Do you let it print when you're not at home or over night?
Thanks for your replys.
Best Regards
keep things safe if a wire breaks. BUT it does not have a failsafe. Some printers have the ability to switch off the power supply when they turn off the motherboard. This one does not, the power supply is always on. If the motherboard fails in a very rare but specific way, then power can go straight to the nozzle or bed heater without being stopped by the motherboard. I have seen this happened to one A5 so far. This means that if the motherboard fails (specifically, if a MOSFET heater switch chip fails closed) it is possible for the printer to go into uncontrolled heating. However the printer is not flammable like anet acrylic ones are, so the risk is much lower there as well.
I recommend having a smoke detector, and a fire extinguisher for electrical fires, nearby where the printer is located. Personally, I do feel comfortable leaving my printer running while I am not present. But for added safety you might consider adding both a smart switch to the printer that you can switch off remotely, and some kind of remote monitoring solution like octoprint.
- I had printed the first time with PETG. The results were quite good (230°C / 70°C) but after I took off the prints the layer of the heated bed also get off. now I can see at some areas the pure glass. Although it is still printing fine. Did you hear about something similar? I have printed a lot of in PLA without any issues before.
See the known faults section, point number two on:
Both of the fans on the printhead are undersized in my opinion.The top fan is used to call the printhead body, to avoid filament melting or softening in the “cold zone”. The bottom fan is solely used to cool the material as it exits the nozzle. Thankfully the large aluminium block has a number of things and the movement of the head itself helps to keep the head at a reasonable temperature. Ideally the fan will be working and helping this though.
JGAurora has suggested adding a few drops of machine oil or sewing machine oil into the fan bearing region, to help the fan run more smoothly. The fans seem to be low quality unfortunately.
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