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Reflash/Restore OEM FIRMWARE JGMagic

PrintBigPrintBig Posts: 46Member
Some one please help!!

Im trying to reflash/restore to factory settings (are they the same thing). All the links Im clicking for OEM factory firmware takes me to an ERROR 404 page. I just want to restore factory settings so I can reflash the marlin firmware.

Q1: Do I need to restore to factory in order to flash/install community marlin upgrade firmware?(hope im using lingo right) 
Q2: Does anyone know where I can find OEM firmware? I should probably save a copy. I also saw/read something about saving a text file with two lines of code, m502 and m500???? Will that do anything?

Please I need some help.

Thank you all for your time and consideration.



  • Samuel PinchesSamuel Pinches Posts: 2,997Administrator
    @PrintBig - JGAurora changed their website, and I have updated the links -- they should work now. thanks.
  • Samuel PinchesSamuel Pinches Posts: 2,997Administrator
    Q1: you can flash factory or custom firmwares at any time, directly.
    Q2: links updated :smile:
  • Samuel PinchesSamuel Pinches Posts: 2,997Administrator
    Q3: M502 resets printer configuration settings to defaults from the currently installed firmware. M500 saves configuration changes to the printer, otherwise the changes will be lost after the printer reboots.
  • PrintBigPrintBig Posts: 46Member
    Good info. I understand a little more about it now. Thanks Pinches.
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