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No voltage switch
Posts: 4Member
Hello I’m new to the group I just got my 3-D printer today from Amazon and I don’t see any information about whether the power supply is just won 110/ 220. Everything I read and in the instructions it says to flip the switch to match my voltage, but there’s no switch. Is this an upgrade or am I missing something? I am new to 3-D printing so I’ll probably ask a lot of questions. So I will be stupid to you guys
if you already have this knowledge. Thus I’ll be looking forward to learn from you guys so I stop asking stupid questions lol.
anyway if someone could answer this for me I would really appreciate it because I want to finish hooking everything up but I don’t want to do that until I know for sure I’m not missing something.
if you already have this knowledge. Thus I’ll be looking forward to learn from you guys so I stop asking stupid questions lol.
anyway if someone could answer this for me I would really appreciate it because I want to finish hooking everything up but I don’t want to do that until I know for sure I’m not missing something.
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