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Mainboard upgrade SKR v2.0
Posts: 2Member
I'm wondering if there are any reasons that I shouldn’t use an SKR v2.0 to replace the original mainboard in my JGMaker Magic?
I'm wondering if there are any reasons that I shouldn’t use an SKR v2.0 to replace the original mainboard in my JGMaker Magic?
Would it be ok to use 2209’s on all motors? I notice there are kits with 5 of 1 type of driver, but can’t tell if that is how it should be done.
I am looking into upgrading my mainboard too. How did you map the connections from the hotend and heated bed to the new board? From what I can tell the connectors used by JGMaker Magic are not standard and I am having a hard time finding a pinout or any useful documentation. If you have a pinout or any advice that would be great. Thank You
to simplify things, and to save the board for any confusion with connections, i suggest i ditch the JGmaker Magic's hotend connections as they are i believe a "positive common" and are controlled via negative. its best to just make a harness from your planned board to the parts you want to control. All 3d printer fdm are the same. SKR boards are well documented so follow that instead of jgmaker. that's how i did mine btw.
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