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Jgaurora a 5 touchscreen out of Kalibration?
Posts: 115Member, π Super Member π
Hi, maybe someone of you guys has an idear what i can do,
it seems since a while that the touchscreen on my JG aurora a5 moves out of calibration more and more,
using it gets Harder and harder ,as now i only Can hit certain buttons if i use a pin, and use the lower left corner of certain icons, especially on the left side,.. Still it sometimes registers the touch as the next Button...
it feels like the touch matrix is not working properly,
any maintenance tips?
best regards
In early beginning of using my printer I had same problem. Foil which is on front panel, was sticking to display touchscreen. It was not reacting to touches, or registered touch of different button. I put M3 washers between display and mounting holes. No problems since then
so basically dissasseble touchscreen part and Put it together with a weebit more distance?
I just put washers between LCDD assembly and printer housing. Check operation of touch panel when it is unmounted from printer chassis. Maybe your touch foil is damaged. Unfortunately it is resistive, so prone to break by strong pressing
your tip lead me to try something
i did not again what to Take the thing apart and all that, so i used a suction cup from some tile hook from the bathroom and "sucked" the foil and Took it of the Touch thing... seems that has "fixed it" for now
great. So you have same issue as I had. I solved it permanently by increasing distance between front foil protecting display and display assembly. Keep printing
it kind of seemd like there is some small amount of condense liquid that had formed there...
verry strange
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