Home JGAurora Z-603S Getting Started & Troubleshooting

Simplify3D Profile for the JGAurora Z-603S?

Good Morning All,
I was wondering if there is a Simplify3D Profile for the JGAurora Z-603S?


  • Samuel PinchesSamuel Pinches Posts: 2,997Administrator
    Welcome @KMyers, what kind of material are you printing? I can share my profile, but I don’t claim
    it is perfect.
  • OlafOlaf Posts: 1Member
    Hallo, ich bin neu hier. Samuel Pinches würdest Du mir bite das Profil zukommen lasen. Ich bekomme meinen 

    JGAurora Z-603S am Donnerstag.


  • Samuel PinchesSamuel Pinches Posts: 2,997Administrator
    Welcome Olaf! Glad to hear we have another Z-603S friend here! The default settings in simplify 3D work well too. Try a test print, and then let me know what area you want to improve :smile: - because everything is a trade off for speed vs print quality.
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