Home JGAurora A5S, A1 & A3S-V2 Getting Started & Troubleshooting

A5s Screen distorted and then black

Hello guys, 
do not know what happened today and why that happened today had massive problems
just did not get a clean print, as I turned off the device to cause a reset I had the screen dark,
then back out then he came back distorted and did not get better,
can not control axes or anything else? Does anyone know what's going on?

thanks asterix007


  • Samuel PinchesSamuel Pinches Posts: 2,997Administrator
    Perhaps try flashing the factory firmware again? I don't really know what would cause this kind of corruption.
    Thanked by 1asterix007
  • Samuel PinchesSamuel Pinches Posts: 2,997Administrator
    You could also try shielding the cable with foil tape? Could be interference?
    Thanked by 1asterix007
  • asterix007asterix007 Posts: 22Member
    the printer can not be put into operation, as if the stream was too weak ...
    I had not made a FW apdate

    Message from Octoprint
    Status: Offline (Error: Temperature heated bed switched off. MAXTEMP triggered !!Error:Printer stopped due to errors. Fix the error and use M999 to restart. (Temperature is reset. Set it after restarting)echo:enqueing "M999 - "Resend: 1)

  • Samuel PinchesSamuel Pinches Posts: 2,997Administrator
    Ok, this looks like a short circuit on the heated bed. Please check the connector and wiring for the bed.
    Thanked by 1asterix007
  • asterix007asterix007 Posts: 22Member
    where can I enter the command M999 - "Resend: 1?

  • Samuel PinchesSamuel Pinches Posts: 2,997Administrator
    The message is telling you the printer restarted for safety reasons. The M999 is not something you need to do, you just need to restart the printer before anything will continue. The cause of this error looks like the heated bed thermistor or wiring is short circuited.

    Thanked by 1asterix007
  • asterix007asterix007 Posts: 22Member
    I have already unplugged it several times and again, plug connection controlled ... 
    all seem to be ok ... visually at least

  • Samuel PinchesSamuel Pinches Posts: 2,997Administrator
    Can you unplug the bed thermistor and see if the error changes?
    Thanked by 1asterix007
  • asterix007asterix007 Posts: 22Member
    I made, error is still present ... :(

  • Samuel PinchesSamuel Pinches Posts: 2,997Administrator
    So, you unplug the bed thermistor, connect to pronterface, clear the log, and restart the printer, and the error is the same? Then I would suggest contact JGAurora for support. Perhaps there is a fault on the motherboard. You could try to reinstall the firmware to try to repair any corruption.

    Thanked by 1asterix007
  • asterix007asterix007 Posts: 22Member
    extruder I have reduced the fan and there seems to be at least optically everything ok ...
    the screws open taken out the heating stick, I have no plan what that can be ...

  • asterix007asterix007 Posts: 22Member
    tried with the map what to print, the screen is so far stable again, only the bar on the right does not fit, and the temperature display ...

  • asterix007asterix007 Posts: 22Member

  • asterix007asterix007 Posts: 22Member
    how do I do that "connect to pronterface, clear the log"

  • Samuel PinchesSamuel Pinches Posts: 2,997Administrator
    This is all very strange. Sorry, I meant connect to octoprint, and check the new section of the log
    Thanked by 1asterix007
  • asterix007asterix007 Posts: 22Member
    in protorface I'm inside now and connected, how do I do the reset?

  • Samuel PinchesSamuel Pinches Posts: 2,997Administrator
    edited March 2019
    Maybe I have not been clear. There is nothing to reset.  When a thermal safety error occurs, the printer halts and requires a restart. Did the MAXTEMP error go away?

    Thanked by 1asterix007
    Post edited by Samuel Pinches on
  • asterix007asterix007 Posts: 22Member
    no, the error is still there ...

  • Samuel PinchesSamuel Pinches Posts: 2,997Administrator
    edited March 2019
    Can you please unplug the thermistor for the bed from the motherboard... keep it unplugged. Then turn off the printer and on again. Then check the error. If MAXTEMP is still there (note: MAXTEMP = badMINTEMP = good) then it is a motherboard error.

    I suggest you try to re-flash the original firmware.
    1. Put this file on an SD card.
    2. Insert SD card into printer.
    3. Turn printer off, and then on again.
    4. Wait for firmware to flash.

    Thanked by 1asterix007
    Post edited by Samuel Pinches on
  • asterix007asterix007 Posts: 22Member
    edited March 2019
    Thanks for the great help, 
    have not yet opened the device,
    let it also closed because of the warranty, I bought it from Amazon Germany,
    hope that the return ned all too big problems because
    I no longer have the original packaging. too bad it happened many thanks Greetings from Austria

    Post edited by asterix007 on
  • Samuel PinchesSamuel Pinches Posts: 2,997Administrator
    edited March 2019
    @asterix007 - I understand, that's very disappointing. If you contact JGAurora official support, I'm sure they will help you fix it, their warranty support is quite good. You can email them at support@zgew3d.com

    Thanked by 1asterix007
    Post edited by Samuel Pinches on
  • asterix007asterix007 Posts: 22Member
    I've done now, directly contacted the support, let's see what comes out ...
    keep up to date ..
    thanks to all
    Greetings from Austria :)

  • asterix007asterix007 Posts: 22Member
    so that was the answer now :)

    I just the video and it is possible that the mainboard has problem.
    I will help you change the new screen and mainboard.
    Please reply thoes information.
    1.When did you buy it and where did you buy it?
    2.What is your order number ?
    3.What is your machine number (at the hip of machine )
    4.What is your name and phone number ?
    5.In detail address:
    Country :
    Zip code:
     now just wait and hope that it was too :)
    thanks to all
    especially Samuel Pinches who tirelessly wrote to me :)
    Thank you, it's nice to know that there are such good people
    greetings from Austria

  • asterix007asterix007 Posts: 22Member
    edited March 2019
    I have to say something
    again and again it is on the board of the A5s ... I read that again and again,
    What more regrets me is that so many people ask for help here
    (which is not a problem, yes is a forum)
    but few write down the solution or what has brought them to the solution ..
    very sad...

    Thanked by 1Samuel Pinches
    Post edited by asterix007 on
  • asterix007asterix007 Posts: 22Member
    the parts are now arrived at me,
    they will install today:) ... should not be a problem.

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