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Jgaurora A5 don't do a drop when start printing...

Hi everybody,

I have a problem : when I start a print, the extruder dont stay front of the bed, especialy when he have to do a drop. morehover, when he come down, he is anormaly slowly...Have you got an idea about this?

Have a look on my video :


  • Samuel PinchesSamuel Pinches Posts: 2,997Administrator
    edited March 2019
    Welcome Valéry,
    I would like you to check your start gcode - this is in the machine settings in cura. What is your gcode start script?
    You may like to try the start script on the JGAurora wiki: https://jgaurorawiki.com/start-and-end-gcode
    Kind regards,

    Post edited by Samuel Pinches on
  • ValĂ©ry LopezValĂ©ry Lopez Posts: 14Member
    edited March 2019
    Thanks for your reply  :)

    Here are my parameters, I ever check it... it seems to be ok...

    Ah! I had load a new firmware, which I took there : 


    I think the problem appear after it... any Idea?

    -----other subject-----

    On this subject, I have new functions, if someone now how to use it, he is welcome.
    Look at this, what is baby z+ or baby z-? what is the save option?


    I want to know about Gcode, when print finish, is it possible to move the bed on opposite direction? usually, I have to move the bed in opposite direction to take the printed object.

    Post edited by Valéry Lopez on
  • ValĂ©ry LopezValĂ©ry Lopez Posts: 14Member
    So? Any Ideas?

  • ValĂ©ry LopezValĂ©ry Lopez Posts: 14Member
    Hem... help?
  • Samuel PinchesSamuel Pinches Posts: 2,997Administrator
    Sorry Valery, I have been meaning to come back to reply.

    has the first problem been sorted? You may want to replace the code in the start section with the code from the wiki.
  • Samuel PinchesSamuel Pinches Posts: 2,997Administrator
    edited March 2019
    The Babystepping features are also described on the wiki. It is a way to adjust and fine tune the nozzle height “live” during printing. 

    I made a quick video:

    Post edited by Samuel Pinches on
  • Samuel PinchesSamuel Pinches Posts: 2,997Administrator
    edited March 2019
    Once you change the baby stepping offset, I think if you push save it will apply this offset every time. I could be wrong on that.
    Post edited by Samuel Pinches on
  • Samuel PinchesSamuel Pinches Posts: 2,997Administrator
    All the different gcode commands are listed on the marlin firmware website:


    in the end gcode section, you can also copy the code from the wiki and it will bring the bed forwards after printing. You can lookup each command in the documentation on that website to see what each command does.
  • ValĂ©ry LopezValĂ©ry Lopez Posts: 14Member
    Hi! thank you so much for your reply  :), I don't change start & end code. It never change, why the printer don't start like before... ...I will try it later.

    About babystepper, if I understand, we can use it when the bed isn't correctly calibrated? (horizontal position?)
  • Samuel PinchesSamuel Pinches Posts: 2,997Administrator
    With babystepping you can start printing, and then tune the z-position of the first layer to get it right (vertical direction).
  • ValĂ©ry LopezValĂ©ry Lopez Posts: 14Member
    ok, allright for babystepping). Thank you
  • Samuel PinchesSamuel Pinches Posts: 2,997Administrator
    Also, you may like to know, at the bottom of the page you can set the language to french, if you would like. It will not change the post language, but it will change the language of the forum buttons.

    Kind regards,
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