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Current Firmware Status - Update Dec 1 2019
Samuel Pinches
Posts: 2,997Administrator
This is just a short update to inform people of the current status of the firmware for the A5S and A1.
At the moment the builds I have prepared on are the latest available ready to use.
you want to build firmware from source my builds were broken by some
recent library changes, and will not produce a working build. So don't use my github repo for the moment!
I've updated the full marlin 2.0 vscode build guide here. But in a nutshell, to build your own working firmware at the moment, you can:
- Clone the marlin 2.0 bugfix branch here.
- Copy the configuration.h and configuration_adv.h files from here for your printer, and replace the files in here with those.
- Open the platformio.ini file in the root directory here, and change the default_envs from megaatmega2560 to jgaurora_a5s_a1
- Try compile the build as per the previous instructions here.
- Compiled bin will be in \Documents\GitHub\Marlin\.pio\build\jgaurora_a5s_a1\
- Copy file to SD card, and restart printer to flash.
Post edited by Samuel Pinches on
posted. Hopefully it's just some old 2.0 junk that's causing the errors. There are a lot of errors that keep repeating. I remember one that said servo0_timer_num 8 was redefined. Whatever that means. Not sure if that 0 was after servo.
Regarding the errors, it looks like they were more of notifications, even though they kept repeating during the build. One was regarding Servo0_timer_num_8 which anyone not using BLTouch shouldn't have.
The other was "STM32_XL_DENSITY" redefined. Whatever that is I guess redefined is not an error. Its part of the pins file. I have attached a screenshot of it and will paste some of my build output showing that. Samuel maybe you will know what it means!
FYI - just noticed on they are called warnings not errors.
Here are some examples of the warnings. There are a lot more than this.
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