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A5S hybrid
Posts: 57π Super Member π
I bought a damaged A5S on ebay and have been slowly getting it back to working condition. It had some shipping damage to the X/Z gantry tower which was easily fixed. But then it became apparent that there were electronic issues as well. The USB connection was dead - I found burned traces on the controller PCB, and a cooked IC. The touchscreen worked and I could move/adjust, but it would not print from files on the SD card. I tried updating firmware first via SD card and later by ST-link, but board would always refuse to boot if anything other than the original firmware was loaded. Tried several more steps to reprogram and eventually bricked it.
I chose to replace the controller with something other than another JGAURORA Main Board. Based on price and features, I went with a BIGTREETECH SKR 1.3 board and TMC2130 drivers. It is obviously not a direct replacement and I have had a few challenges but no show stoppers. Since the machine would be substantially dismantled, I am doing other upgrades at the same time.
I have the SKR board mounted and most of the wiring connected - everything except the hot bed and its thermistor since the top of the base is still off.
I've researched the possibility of reusing the stock touchscreen but my conclusion is that it would require some support hardware to be used with most aftermarket controllers. One of the unusual features of the stock A5S controller is that it serves as the memory resources of the screen. For now I am using a RepRap Discount Full Graphic Smart Controller because I already had it in a drawer.
I've replaced the linear bearings in the Y-axis (X will get the same treatment) and the new ones are much smoother (cheap ones found on Amazon).
I hope to have it operational within the next couple of days. Pics to follow.
Thanked by 1Samuel Pinches
But it was not to be. The main 24v power supply leads would not reach the board and wires for the filament sensor were a bit short as well.
The next try crowds the SKR board quite close to the rear-most chassis post. To allow clear access to terminal blocks, I had to raise position of the new board a few millimeters.
I didn't get a pic of the 2nd tray in place before I mounted the SKR. Interim graphic display is lurking in the corner temporarily. All wiring to the SKR board is complete in this pic except for the bed's heater and thermistor.
Front of tray will hold 40x10 fan for airflow across driver heatsinks. Fan due to arrive later today.
I read something that suggested there was a performance issue when running an SPI controlled touchscreen and TMC2130 drivers (which use SPI for communication). Will need to play with that when the TFT35 arrives in January.
If you haven't already figured it out, you will need to use different steps/mm on the drivers if they work the same as mine. I have mine set at:
If you are interested in doing the extruder cooling fan mod I posted (fan off until extruder reaches 50C) let me know because it is very easy on this board and no additional parts are needed.Β
I really like your mounting bracket. I can only design in tinkercad and never attempted to create anything for it. Would you mind sharing it?
I don't know if the fan on the end will cool all of the steppers well enough but I like it. I would watch the axis furthest from the fan for problems. Before I knew cooling was an issue with TMC's on another printer it printed crazy when they got too hot so I think you will be able to tell if temps are an issue.
I have the TFT35 v2.0. It needs a bootloader fix that bricked the display when I followed Bigtreetrechs instructions for uploading it on their github. What version did you order? Or is it a different brand?
It is larger than the original so the front plastic would have to be cut away some and a new mount would need to be made. From the looks of your mounting board, it looks like that would be something you would be able to do. The stock display mount is just screwed in place so it looks like it would be fairly straightforward for someone with graphic design knowledge.Β
I'll let you know how this one does too.Β
Test print underway!
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