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General advice for modeling
Posts: 17Member
Hi everyone, I hope this isn't off topic.
I've been wanting to design a couple of GPU backplates lately, and I was wondering what would the best approach be.
At the moment I'm trying to cut cardboard mockup, but I'm having issues to precisely position screw holes (as I'd like to attach it using pre existing screws, so that it would also serve as reinforcement).
Does anyone have experience with using a picture of an item to then model the piece on?
Right now I'm using fusion 360, but I've used blender in the past and I understand one of the latest updates improved the UI significantly.
Fusion 360 has great and very precise feature for "picture/scheme" modeling.
It is very simple, I use it quite often and it is always precise (if you made it so, of course).
Here is video how to do it.
Later you can 3d print or print it on paper in various ways and formats.
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