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Stringing problem
Hi all Im new here , I purchased a JGmaker magic last week. Unfortunately with many problems from the first day. The pieces were so glued that it was impossible to remove them. i used PLA at 200º and 50º on bed. I bought a magnetic bed for this...
Now the problem is the horrible stringing. I try with all settings in cura (4.5 and 4,6), simplfy3d, jgreat 2.5, I changed the retraction a speed retraction for all settings....without any positive result, any suggestion?
Here some pictures:

Now the problem is the horrible stringing. I try with all settings in cura (4.5 and 4,6), simplfy3d, jgreat 2.5, I changed the retraction a speed retraction for all settings....without any positive result, any suggestion?
Here some pictures:

Post edited by Samuel Pinches on
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