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Any help is appreciated
Posts: 4Member
no matter what i try this is all i get . blue blank screen
@mfisher -- what have you tried so far? can you connect to printer via computer at all (e.g. pronterface/printrun)?
I have tried to update the firmware with the computer just like I did to get to this. It will not recognize the printer anymore. It will not recognize it at all. I have the correct port. I tried the reset button. Didn’t think it would work but I tried it anyways. That’s the most I know to do.
what did you do to the firmware? did you update your firmware? did you just edit the firmware? there are quiet few answers why its blue.
@mfisher please post here if you are online, have the printer and a computer nearby, and have a few minutes. Maybe I can take a quick 2 min look over zoom.
I was updating the firmware with my computer. As slowness online. I have to be honest I do not remember all the things I did. I know it was hooked to my computer updating from a tutorial. It’s been a while and I have not had time to fix it. Was hoping it was seen before and someone had a quick fix. It’s still down.
The motherboard has a chip, the CH340G chip. This is a serial to USB chip. When plugged into the computer it creates a serial port (or COM Port on Windows) for communication to the main motherboard processor. Can you tell if this chip is being detected when you plug in the motherboard to the PC? My offer for some brief remote assistance still stands.
It is not recognized. And I am ok with remote assistance I just have not had a minute to set it up with you. I would like to get it up and running I literally set it up tried to update the firmware and it did this. I have not printed anything with it.
I’m online now if you are free? It sounds like the motherboard is possibly damaged.
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