Home JGAurora A5 & A3S Getting Started & Troubleshooting

Error when trying to update firmware

I just got the A5 this week and am trying to update the firmware, but when I verify in arduino I'm receiving an error. I'm sure what's going wrong or what I'm doing wrong. I haven't found the same error that i'm getting online. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  • Samuel PinchesSamuel Pinches Posts: 2,997Administrator
    Things to try

    - redownload firmware
    - extract to new folder in documents folder
    - reinstall arduino
    - install arduino 1.8.5
    - update all arduino libraries
    - try in a fresh user account 
  • 1980ace1980ace Posts: 7Member
    thank you. I think when I did the previous version of arduino it was able to work finally 
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