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Z axis lead screw oscillating
Regan Taylor
Posts: 2Member
When the gantry of the printer gets lowered, the left lead screw oscillates massively and it makes a load of noise. I've attached a video of what is going on and a picture of the coupler as I don't think its stretched. Also the lead screw is not bent, I've removed it, rolled it on a table and it is straight
The problem is not really anything to worry about, it is just the Z move speed is just a little fast and is resulting in resonance. Are you using the custom firmware or factory firmware? In the custom firmware it is possible to reduce the maximum z speed to reduce this.
Some people like to add a z-axis stabiliser to solve this. I don't like this, as the lead screw should not be constrained, as it is the smooth rail that is responsible for the tracking of the z-axis movement.
<video width="100%" controls>
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