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Backup Firmware for A5X? How to add Bl Touch?
Posts: 19Administrator
in JGAurora A5X
This discussion was created from comments split from: JGAurora A5X - What are the difference between this one and the A5?.
Thanked by 1Murachacha
Weiß hier irgendwie wie ich mit der Firmware da oben BlTouch zum laufen bekomme?
Beziehungsweise noch eine Frage. Ist es möglich ein Backup von der Firmware zu erstellen, die sich gerade auf meinem Drucker befindet?
Here somehow knows how to get BlTouch up and running with the firmware?
Or another question. Is it possible to backup the firmware that is currently on my printer?
Thank you.
I want to use the Marlin 2.0 BUGFIX firmware (the community version i think), but I read somewhere that it's not possible to use bltouch with it.
Is that true?
Is there any feature that would justify a change to Marlin 2.0 from 1.9 then?
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