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Magic: Main wire harness
Posts: 46Member
I’m looking for and NEED a new wire harness that goes to my hot end. The harness has green, yellow, red, brown, and black.
Does anyone know where I can find one? I’ve looked all over including the jg maker store. Please if you spot or find one, let me know!
thank you all!
Does anyone know where I can find one? I’ve looked all over including the jg maker store. Please if you spot or find one, let me know!
thank you all!
Many thanks again.
Print Big
im also just wondering if the printer came with silicone coated, 200c, 3000v, 22awg, then there must be a reason engineers/techs decided on those explicit specifications?Coming from an engineer myself.
I also don’t know what the common house 22awg wire is rated to.
Main point, if I can find the wires that came with the printer I can circumvent guess work
my question still stands... will the common house wire 90C @600V stand against engineered requirements of 200c @3000v?
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