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Firmware Mariln 1.1.9C for JGaurora A3S with BLTOUCH

Guys, I searched the internet and found no firmware to download the A3S with Bltouch, so I decided to configure everything on my own.
Everything is working perfectly!

Download - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lBPRqOl-z8Z7KPSmjRnGG_SH_RXfSivG/view?usp=sharing

Fine settings the bl touch height
When printing with octoprint for example, babystepping is not available for fine tuning.

I follow the following procedure to precisely set the distance between the nozzle and the printer bed, after updating or to take a new mesh/repeat the automatic bed levelling:

G28 ; home
G29 P1 ; start the automatic bed leveling
; wait for bed leveling to finish (should take about 5 minutes)
G29 S1 ; save the mesh information into slot 1
G29 S0 ; save in slot 0 as well as Cura use slot 0 per default
M500 ; save EEPROM
M851 ; print the current setting
M851 Z0 ; set offset to zero
G28 ; home again
G1 Z0 ; move the nozzle to height 0
; measure the distance between the nozzle and the bed with some feeler gauge
; or stack several piece of paper and measure the thickness
M851 Z-1.6 ; enter the measure distance, in this example, the head is 1.6mm above the printer bed
M500 ; store the new configuration
G28 ; home again
G1 Z0 ; move the nozzle to height 0 - Then mesure again, if it's not right yet, restart at step M851 Z-1.6 (increase the value to bring the head closer to the bed)

Initial G-Code for BLtouch (Loading the leveling done previously):

G21 ;set units to millimetres
G90 ;set to absolute positioning
M106 S0 ;set fan speed to zero (turned off)
G28 ;home all axis
G29 A ;Activate
G29 L1 ;Load Mesh
G92 E0 ;zero the extruded length
G1 Z1 F1000 ;move up slightly
G1 X60.0 Z0 E9.0 F1000.0;intro line
G1 X100.0 E21.5 F1000.0 ;continue line
G92 E0 ;zero the extruded length again
; -- end of START GCODE --

Initial G-Code for BLtouch with Leveling before printing:

G21 ;set units to millimetres
G90 ;set to absolute positioning
M106 S0 ;set fan speed to zero (turned off)
G28 ;home all axis
G29 A ;Activate
G29 P1 ;start the automatic bed leveling
G29 S1 ;save the mesh information into slot 1
M500 ;save EEPROM
G29 L1 ;Load Mesh
G92 E0 ;zero the extruded length
G1 Z1 F1000 ;move up slightly
G1 X60.0 Z0 E9.0 F1000.0;intro line
G1 X100.0 E21.5 F1000.0 ;continue line
G92 E0 ;zero the extruded length again
; -- end of START GCODE --

BLTouch Upgrade
1. Make sure you have something/where to mount the BLTouch to. (there are many mounts on thingiverse to choose from.) (I recommend this one however I did not use this as I had already printed another.)
2. Mount the BLTouch to your mount.
3. Connect your cables as per the image

Thanked by 1Samuel Pinches


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