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A5S Solutions and problems from a new A5S owner
I am new to the JGAurora but have been printing for 5 years and own 10 printers so I’m not a newbie.
I've owned the A5S about a week and here’s my problems...
1. Firmware update - resolved
the SD card that comes with A5S won’t work to flash the firmware - but a different brand and format it as fat32. Works immediately.
2. Bed adhesion - resolved
buy geckotek sheets - you’ll be printing like mad with no warping. (Also make sure you slow down initial layer speed and properly level the bed.)
3. Printing end - unresolved
for some reason even after placing correct gcode to reposition the head of the printer so it doesn’t remain on the piece when finished - it only works on small prints. My longer multihour prints ignore the gcode and it remains on the piece ruining it?!??
4. Reprint - unresolved
every time I finish a print I have to turn the machine off and on or the best print heads to the top right corner of the bed, makes a horrible sound, and just extrudes filament while counting down as if it is printing normally?!?! (Is this related to 3 above)?
5. Symplify3d - unresolved
not that I’ve had great success with this on any of my printers, but when I try to use this on the A5S it makes the head move off the bottom of the plate in between layers... so I use JGCreate.
As the owner of 7 Lulzbot minis ($1250 a pop) I can tell you I’m pretty happy with this purchase so far. The SD card problem was annoying as hell because it effectively bricks the unit, and I can’t for the life of me figure out how no one at the company tested this, but otherwise assuming Someone can suggest fixes for 3,4 and 5, I’m so far impressed...
I've owned the A5S about a week and here’s my problems...
1. Firmware update - resolved
the SD card that comes with A5S won’t work to flash the firmware - but a different brand and format it as fat32. Works immediately.
2. Bed adhesion - resolved
buy geckotek sheets - you’ll be printing like mad with no warping. (Also make sure you slow down initial layer speed and properly level the bed.)
3. Printing end - unresolved
for some reason even after placing correct gcode to reposition the head of the printer so it doesn’t remain on the piece when finished - it only works on small prints. My longer multihour prints ignore the gcode and it remains on the piece ruining it?!??
4. Reprint - unresolved
every time I finish a print I have to turn the machine off and on or the best print heads to the top right corner of the bed, makes a horrible sound, and just extrudes filament while counting down as if it is printing normally?!?! (Is this related to 3 above)?
5. Symplify3d - unresolved
not that I’ve had great success with this on any of my printers, but when I try to use this on the A5S it makes the head move off the bottom of the plate in between layers... so I use JGCreate.
As the owner of 7 Lulzbot minis ($1250 a pop) I can tell you I’m pretty happy with this purchase so far. The SD card problem was annoying as hell because it effectively bricks the unit, and I can’t for the life of me figure out how no one at the company tested this, but otherwise assuming Someone can suggest fixes for 3,4 and 5, I’m so far impressed...
Thanked by 1Ron Becky Wilmoth
thanks for the answers - I’ll post my start end code but spoiler alert it’s identical to the ones you have on this site under recommended gcode.
it is puzzling that it works for small prints but not on large ones (which are actually more crucial for it to work on).
i print a tremendous amount of game related plastic so I’ll upload some pics of our latest game and the trays for the box.
my biggest printer is the gigabot $6500 and was built to print toilets in space (2 foot by 2 foot by 3 foot build area)
in reality we never printed a single item on it but just multiples of smaller items.
i have printed all day with now issues!
it even homes when finished.
so a false positive based on the faulty sd card...
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