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A5S didn´t boot anymore / Display broken
Posts: 1Member
Hi Guys,
yesterday i start a print over night and after i woke up i checked the print. It was a total mess cause the filament didn´t stucked at the bed and the hotend looks like a lump. So i tried to cut off the filament from the hotend and i damaged the cable from the Thermistor.
After i cleaned everything i tried to start the printer (without the Thermistor Cabel) but the display looks like its broken. I postet 2 Photos of the Display.
So, can you please help me? Maybe a Circuit Board is broken!?
Btw i use the CFW from this Board.
Sorry for my bad english
PS I flashed the original FW and the Display shows only some cryptic weird Letters but when i touch the display the axis moves. So i think the display board is broken!?
Post edited by BobaCatt on
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